Posts tagged with "website"
Posted on Sunday, May 16, 2021
During the last couple of weeks I have been playing on and off with the HUGO
static site generator and quickly became quite fond of it.
Initially I just wanted to have yet another look
at the current landscape of static site generators, but then I somehow ended up
making some more extended tests with HUGO. This eventually culminated into
having my complete website migrated to it.
Right at the first glance I was quite impressed by the speed of HUGO and after
familiarizing myself with the
basics and a little bit of
tinkering I also started to like its nifty
After having converted my complete website to HUGO (which turned out to be much
less effort than I would have anticipated), I was a wee bit hesitating about
abandoning my current workflow, which has worked quite well for the last couple
of years. Then again, I had switched it so often, so why not
yet another time and give it a try?
And now, here we are. This post marks my switch to HUGO as the next tool for
creating this website.
Posted on Friday, January 4, 2019
Today, for the first time in over 10 years, I changed the way the
content of this site is created. As of this post, is
running on static HTML pages again, which are created by a toolchain you
may encounter not that often...
Read on...
Posted on Friday, June 22, 2018
Today I found some time to tick off an item from my todo list that has
been sitting there for a long time: Switching to
Since my site is just a hobbiest website, I chose to use a free
letsencrypt certificate and after reviewing
the installation options, I
just found out that my hosting provider offers a one-click generation
and installation of letscrypt certifcates. So it was literally just a
mouse click to activate HTTPS for the site.
One thing I still have to investigate is, why Firefox keeps griping
about "some insecure elements" on my site. I suspect some links to
content that is refered to with HTTP instead of HTTPS. But I still have
to see if they are part of the content or of the code generated by
Posted on Friday, July 28, 2017
Much to my dismay it looks like the Habari Project is defunct.
The project's website is offline since quite a while and there wasn't
a single message on the developer mailing list in months. Also, there
have been no Tweets since the release of
version 0.9.2. I think it's time to look for alternatives...
Read on...
Posted on Sunday, June 7, 2015
After almost
seven years on duty, I decided to give a fresh start. So I
took the latest version of Habari, built a new
theme for it, threw out old content and updated a bunch of pages. Mostly a
routine piece of work, but it was the first time I've written a Habari theme
from scratch. Here’s how it went…
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Posted on Friday, June 5, 2015
When I switched to the Habari publishing platform, I had a bunch
of automatically created HTML content that I wanted to be included in my
posts and pages. Mainly this content was created by some
Perl scripts and automatically uploaded to my
web server. Updates occurred quite often and so I had the urge to avoid
time-consuming manual updates.
Read on...
Posted on Monday, June 17, 2013
Welcome (back) everyone! Today a new version of
(version 3, to be precise) went online. I hope you like the new design
and I also hope I didn't make to much mistakes that ruin the layout in
certain browsers (yes, Internet Explorer, I'm talking about you). If
you experience any difficulties or an "unattractiveness", please let
me know.
As some kind of premiere the graphics for this version was solely
created with Inkscape, making it the first web
design I entirely created with free software and without any commercial
tools. Up to now I relied on Xara Xtreme as the
tool of choice when it comes to vector graphics (which by the way is
still an extraordinary excellent software for this task), but
unfortunately it isn't available on Linux which is my operating system
since quite a while now. My standard tool set now consists of
GIMP, Inkscape and
Posted on Sunday, July 29, 2012
…but today I was in the mood to make a bunch of adjustments to the
site. I fixed some bugs in the theme, upgraded to the latest
Lightbox version and made
some changes to the CSS. All in all a few hours work on a rainy
afternoon. A few other changes are due during the next few days.
Posted on Sunday, January 8, 2012
First of all, Happy New Year to everyone! I haven't been maintaining my
site for quite a while since I started a new job a couple of months ago
which kept me occupied for most of my time.
First thing for the new year was an upgrade to the latest version of
Habari which has been released in December.
As always, it went nice and smoothly. One of my next actions will be a
major cleanup of the site content. But only if I find the time to do it
Posted on Monday, July 25, 2011
I just upgraded this site to the latest
Habari version. Yet again, it went quite
smoothly and has shown no issues thus far. Nevertheless, please let me
know if you experience any issues while surfing
Posted on Saturday, December 11, 2010
For the first
time in weeks I’ve found some time to take care of my blog again. The first
thing I wanted to do is to upgrade to the latest version of Habari since there
has been quite some development going on since my last update. After having
upgraded without any problems the last couple of times, I thought that it
wouldn’t be a great deal either. But this time I was entirely wrong.
While the upgrade process itself was as smooth as always the trouble began
after reactivating my plugins and my theme. Two plugins and a whole bunch of
theme functions have been severely broken due to the recent changes to the tag
system the developers made. After having investigated the troublesome parts of
the code, I was looking for solutions in Habari’s online resources and the
wiki. Much to my dismay, I found that major parts of these resources are
outdated and so I ended up reading a lot of the source code to find the right
After a couple of hour’s work, everything seems to be fine again. But, please,
if you encounter errors or non-working parts on this site, let me know.
So much for today’s Habari upgrade…
Posted on Friday, June 4, 2010
I just came across
Vimpress, a
plugin for Vim that allows to create and edit
blogposts directly from Vim. Looks like the right thing for me :-)
Although it is originally intended to be used with
WordPress, it utilizes the MetaWeblog
interface, thus it can be used with other blogs too - in my case
So, as a first test, this post is written in Vim and directly posted by
the plugin. Let's see if it works...
Edit: Works quite well. There seems to be a minor bug when posting
new entries (entry id is not returned correctly, respectively an error
occurs when this should happen - I'll have a look at this later), but
the overall functionality works. Oh, and of course this plugin is only
suitable to handle text-only posts. There's no upload functionality for
media files - obviously, since we are utilizing a text editor ;-)
Posted on Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Well, nothing really new there, but in a nostalgic mood I’ve started to
put up some old lan party pictures in the gallery. The
complete set of 2001 is now viewable. More will follow.
Edit 2010-02-19: The whole lanparty set is now available :-)
Posted on Friday, August 21, 2009
Today, I upgraded the site to the latest version of the Habari
weblog. There are quite a bunch of improvements,
yet I have to explore most of them. As last time, the upgrade process was
hassle-free and I didn’t encounter any notable problems (and hopefully there
aren’t any hidden ones).
Read on...
Posted on Tuesday, June 2, 2009
After a very busy day at work (my first workday of the month is always
loaded with statistics and reporting tasks), I found some time in the
evening to work a little on my newly created gallery plugin for Habari.
Read on...
Posted on Monday, June 1, 2009
Today I made the image gallery available again. Taken for
itself, of course, this isn’t a very spectacular enhancement of the
site (since there’s anyways only one gallery at the moment).
The far more interesting part was the implementation of the gallery. I
wanted something that seamlessly integrates into Habari. After an
extensive search on the internet I found nothing that fits my needs and
so I finally decided to write my own plugin.
Read on...
Posted on Sunday, May 31, 2009
This took less time than expected… Enjoy the new design of If you still find some glitches, let me know.
Posted on Saturday, April 4, 2009
Long time, no see... There've been a lot of things that kept me busy
during the last couple of weeks. I'll try to catch up in the next
posts. For now, I just want to note that I today upgraded to the latest
Habari alpha release. While working
with alpha software always tends to be risky, it runs pretty fine so
Posted on Sunday, December 28, 2008
Okay, this is just a quick note marking the official (re-)start of my blog.
It took only a few hours (mainly template design) to adapt the Habari weblog to fit my site.
Let’s see how well (or not) it works…
Posted on Sunday, December 28, 2008
For 2009 I’ve planned to switch the management of my site from plain HTML to a
reasonable blogging software in order to bring a little more life to this site.
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